Biscuit Black&Chocolate

Birthday: 4/28/2024

Owner name: Zierova Liliy kennel Black&Chocolate

Manufacturer: Lilia Zierova (Ukraine, "Black&Chocolate")

PRA -clear by parents , EIC -clear by parents, HNPK- clear by parents

Age on Photo: 3,5 months

Gallery     My children
Giorgi’s Lab Futura Red Yahoo od Himalajskeho Cedru
Italy Czech Republic kennel Od Himalajskeho cedru


Yahoo od Himalajskeho Cedru

HD- A, ED - 0/0 , Champion of Moldova, Grand Champion of Moldova, Copper toxicosis - risk factor + modifier - clear Degenerative Myelopathy -clear Exercise Induced Collapse (EIC) - clear Hereditary nasal parakeratosis (HNPK) -clear Dwarfism (Skeletal Dysplasia 2) - clear Hereditary myopathy (CNM) - clear prcd-PRA - clear Retinal dysplasia (OSD) - clear Hyperuricosuria - clear Narcolepsy - clear STGD-PRA (Stargardt disease) - clear Macular corneal dystrophy (MCD) - clear Cystinuria -clear Pyruvatkinase-Deficiency (PK) - - clear
Elken?s Ace of Hearts

HD A, ED 0:0 fulldnetion, Prcd Pra, EIC, HNPK, CNM, SD2, Narkolepsie – clear
Elkens Forged In Fire

Laurkim?s Ring Of Fire
Elkens Poppin This Shade
Elkens Blossom Of Fire
Micons Red Alert
Kellygreens Elkens Ginger Snap
Rubywood Pure Passion

HD A, ED 0:0 Prcd PRA, EIC by parentage, HNPK clear
Red Cyrus at Elkens
Oakdales Dunbar at Penara
Penara?s Shall We Dance
Ruby Hot Salsa of Red Diamond
Windancing?s Salilor?s Warning
Ruby Hot Salsa of Red Diamond
Giorgi’s Lab Futura Red

HD A, ED 0/0 Degenerative Myelopathy - N/N Exercise Induced Collapse (EIC) - N/N Hereditary nasal parakeratosis (HNPK) - N/N Dwarfism (Skeletal Dysplasia 2)- N/N Hereditary myopathy (CNM)- N/N prcd-PRA - N/N Retinal dysplasia (OSD) - N/N
Angel Red Asteroid
Keepsake's Michelangelo
Keepsake's Brickhouse
Keepsake Greystorke
Rubywood Pure Passion

HD A, ED 0:0 Prcd PRA, EIC by parentage, HNPK clear
Red Cyrus at Elkens
Ruby Hot Salsa of Red Diamond
Constance Od Himalajskeho cedru
Keepsake Elton John
Keepsake Ricky Ricardo
Keepsake Candle In The Wind
Keepsake Red Asteroid
Keepsake Little Red Rooster
Keepsake Scarlet Letter
Copyright © 2011-2012 Lilya Zierova