Piper black&Chocolate (Black boy )

Birthday: 3/25/2019

Owner name: Reserved !

Manufacturer: Lilia Zierova (Ukraine, "Black&Chocolate")

Age on Photo: 9 weeks

Gallery     My children
Venus Goddess of Love Black&Chocolate Big Sky's Knight Moves
Ukraine, "Black&Chocolate" "Big Sky's" kennel


Big Sky's Knight Moves

frozen semen !! HD-A/A, ED - 0/0, EIC -N/M (carrier), PRA- N/N (clear), HNPK- N/N (clear), CNM-N/N (clear), bbEE - chocolate not bearing yellow. Does not have the long-hair allele, Champion of Ukraine, Champion of Bulgaria, Balkan Champion, Junior Champion of Ukraine, Champion of Moldova, Grand Champion of Moldova, Junior Champion of Moldova, Junior Grand Champion of Moldova, CACIB, R.CACIB, FT Duck - I
Big Sky's Midnight Rider
Harlequin Like a Rock
Big Sky Stone Kutter
Harlequin Georgia on My Mind
Big Sky's Valentine
Boothgate Chief Producer
Big Skys First Noel
Chablais Danielle At Big Sky
Chablais Caid
Chablais Brookhill Joss
Chablais Serena

Chablais Choclatine
Big Sky Stone Kutter
Chablais Delorme Ziggy
Venus Goddess of Love Black&Chocolate

HD A/A & ED 0/0, EIC- N/N, OptiGen A ( by parentage ) Interchampion, 3хCACIB, 3 х R.CACIB, 3хBOB, BIG 1, 2хBIG 2, FT Duck-II, Champion Ukraine, Champion Georgia, Grand Champion Georgia, Caucasian Winner, Champion Federation cynologique de Georgie, Champion of Moldova, Grand Champion Moldova, Champion of Bulgaria, Grand Champion of Bulgaria , Champion Balkan
Big Sky's Peacekeeper

HIPS: LR-1976E2M-VPI ELBOWS: LR-54529M-VPI CERF: LR-353778 EIC clear Optigen Clear / Normal
Big Sky Stone Kutter
Paradocs Tabatha Stonehenge
Big Sky Sable
Big Sky's Ring My Bell
Dickendall Davaron Gable
Big Sky's Audacious
Day By Day Black&Chocolate

3xCACIB, R.CACIB, 2xBOB, 2x Champion Ukraine, Champion of Georgia, Grand Champion of Georgia , Champion of Bulgaria, Grand Champion of Bulgaria, Balkan Champion, prcd-PRA N/N, EIC - N/EIC, HD-A . ED-0
Mallorn's Love-in-a-Mist

Champion Polish, Champion Ukraine HD-A , ED 0/0 OPTIGEN A / by parentage/ parakeratosis (HNPK) - N/N EEbb ( Cc )- doesn't carry yellow
Tjottes Lover Under Cover

Sw SH CH & Norv CH, HD-A, ED-0, PRA clea
Mallorn's Ring Any Bells

HD-A, ED-0/0, OptiGen A
Emmi Colour Sayt

Champion of Belarus, Champion of Moldova 8xCAC, R.CAC, BOB, BIG-III, Best Female Breeds- 2

Champion of Ukraine
Copyright © 2011-2012 Lilya Zierova